New Book!
Becoming a Fear Overcomer: A Guide for Living an Abundant Life
Is Fear Stopping You?
Becoming a Fear Overcomer: A Guide for Living an Abundant Life will provide you with
- Practical wisdom and understanding to begin overcoming fear in your life
- Tools for breaking a cycle of unhealthy habitual thinking
- Implementation strategies for overcoming fear in your life
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About Tonya L. Bryant, the Author
Tonya Bryant is a passionate coach, teacher, pastor, wife and lover of life & learning. She is the owner of Abundant Life Living, a company dedicated to helping women discover their potential by overcoming fear and proscratination through developing their strengths and talents in order to fulfill their God-given destiny. As a life coach, Tonya uses a strengths-based approach with her clients guiding them through a self-discovery process utilizing the transformative power of coaching, mentoring and spiritual empowerment.
- 23 years in higher education, coaching & non-profit management
- Extensive experience in teaching, training & program development
- Received Coach training from LifeBound Coaching & Central New Mexico Community College
- Recieved Gallup Strengths Training
- Possesses a Bachelor of Arts & a Master of Arts degree
- Currently pursuing Master in Social Work Degree at New Mexico Highlands University
- Serves in ministry as Co-Pastor of Restored Ministries International
- Extensive experience working with diverse populations